TA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !! May the 4th ! … Star Wars day !! **
I usually tend to hide a bit of my geekness, trying to please both of my geeky and non-geeky readers… Today…I have to apologize to the non-geeky ones but they are going to be flooded by geekness in this article :D You are now warned ^^
Newsletters subscribers may have guessed it when I announced that I would publish my article on Monday rather then Tuesay this week… I couldn’t miss this date to show you my fan-girl blanket :D
** (May the 4th = may the force…Be with you)
But let me tell you its story from the beginning :
At the end of February, I ran into this crochet blanket on Ravelry :

My heart went BOOM straight away…But… Maybe do you know me well enough now to know that I don’t have any patience…at all ! I admire those girls who crochet those giantic granny squares bedspreads, but I can’t !! It’s genetically impossible for me !
What motivated me to make this blanket was that each squares where different (and that it was a f****** Star wars blanket !) and if I made a single square each evening, in front of a serie, it would be done in no time…
I started to reproduce the squares on Photoshop, so that I could try the colors that I would use on, and choose the yarn I would use too.
I finally chose a French brand of yarn : Phildar Cabotine as I like that it is a mix of acrylic and cotton.

Then, I changed some squares, moved them, and created (a lot) of new squares…

What was meant to be a teeny tiny baby blanket of 4*6 squares ended up to be a 6*7 squares, 17 cm each (6.7 inches) for a total of approximately 100*120cm (40*47 inches)
What should have been “done in no time”, took 2 months, or 150 hours of intensive crocheting ! (2h30 to make a square and 30 minutes to wave in the ends !)
I also was very optimistic on the amount of yarn required, and I had to go back to the store twice (including a very urgent one, 4 days ago, to purchase the 3 missing black skeins to be able to assemble the blanket !). I used a total of 34 skeins of 50gr.
But enough talking, here are the 6 episodes of the saga summarized in one blanket :)
Disclaimer : Be warned, you should be at least a bit of a Star Wars fan to understand following lines, if you’re not, please just look at the pictures :p
I tryed to keep the squares in a chronological order and to recount some of the most iconic scenes.
– The order 66 followed by the fight between Dark sidious and Yoda :
– The purchase of the 2 droids to the jawas and the famous “these aren’t the droids you’re looking for”
– The precious help of those tiny Ewok plushes during the Endor battle :
– And of course, the confrontation between Luke Skywalker and his beloved daddy :)
Oh, of course, some are still missing ! Obi-Wan, count Dooku, Leia, Han Sola, Chewie…?! I had to make choices, but I’m thinking of making some cushions now :p
By the way, as I told you earlier, I ended up not using that much of the existing squares : actually, I only used 7 of them as they were, modified 9 of them and created 18… Which means I will probably publish the charts for those 18 squares I’ve made soon :) Stay tuned !
Edit 05.21 : The Star Wars charts are now online here !
Now, I have a book to finish ;)

Wow how long did it take and could you try making a my li’l pony series or a Kiki from a ghibli film kikis delivery service it would mean the world to me Because I absolutely adore you and your crochet☺️☺️✌
It took about 150 hours ! Thank you for your nice words but I’m sorry to say I don’t think I’ll be making any other blanket soon ! I’m not kind of a patient person and this one was already a feat for me :D
Thank you for these amazing charts! I am impatient like you and I don’t think I can sit long enough to make one large star wars or darth vader afghan! I am going to attempt this blanket for my husband and hopefully gift it to him for Christmas! Thank you so much!
My pleasure ! :) Yay ! Another happy husband next Christmas ! :D May the force be with you :p
Did you sc 31 chains then start the graph on ch line as your 1st line of crochet pattern?
This is awesome!!! Great job! Hope you can publish the squares soon (plus the other missing characters that you will use for the cushion) so that we can choose what to make for our blanket. Thanks so much!
Thank you ! :) I’ll be on holidays next week but I think I’ll be able to publish the grids the next Tuesday.
For the others I can’t give you a date right know, but I’ll sure publish them as soon as I make them :)
Wow! That looks great!
I’ve only recently taught myself to crochet, but I apparently have a natural talent for it. I’ve been looking for a large project to work on in the evenings while my husband and I watch TV. (My ADD makes me incredibly irritating to watch television with because I’m constantly fidgeting like a five-year-old. Crocheting satisfies my need to fidget!) I can’t wait to see the squares you’re going to publish.
amazing. my son would love love love one of these. when you post patterns for the squares please let me know !
Thank you !! You can subscribe to the newsletter so you don’t miss them :)
This yarn is beautiful! Your stitches are all so clear and the colorwork is fantastic! Obviously your crochet and the pattern are great, but your choice of yarn is spectacular.
I agree ! The mix of cotton and acrylic is very successful, because it has the softness of acrylic and the neatness of cotton !
Your blanket is absolutely gorgeous! But even more than this blanket I enjoy photos of your desk and your room, lol! Your creative space is so inspiring to me!
Thank you !!
I have to admit… This shouldn’t be my creative space… I have an actual room dedicated to that which you can see here : http://www.ahookamigurumi.com/en/my-workspace/
This is supposed to be my gaming computer…in the living room… I just kind of invaded the place while I was making the blanket (and it still is… :p)
Shame on me :D
Whatever, I like all these rooms which you show in your photo, haha ^.^
Thanks !! I’ll show your answer to my boyfriend :D
Amazing!! Absolutely amazing!! Looking forward to you publishing the charts. Thanks so much for sharing your geekiness!
Thank you :) I’ll be on holidays next week, but I think they’ll be publish the week after that ! Stay tuned :)
[…] This incredible crochet Star Wars blanket was created by super-crocheter Ahooka. It took 2 long months (150 hours) to create and finish in its entirety with every square taking around 2.5 hours to create. Weaving in the ends took another half an hour, although we think that's totally worth it as the finished project looks so cool! Ahooka is now considering creating matching cushions featuring more characters from the 6 episodes and we just can't wait to see them! Website: AhookaMigurumi […]
Fabulous! I would love to see more characters! My 5 year old is really into Star Wars, so guess what he’s getting for Christmas! If you do chart more, please let me know. I’d gladly pay for them!
P.S. I’m only 6 squares in, but I’m LOVING this!
I’m glad you love it :) I myself had a great time making this blanket !
I’ll surely keep you inform if I make more, feel free to subscribe to the newsletter in order to receive all the new articles and pattern as soon as they come out :)
See you soon !
The force is strong with you……
Phenomenal. Thank you!!!
You’re welcome !! :) May the force be with you
OMG!!!!! I’m speechless. Really, I don’t know what to say, this is by far the most incredible thing I’ve seen someone made using yarn and a hook. You are amazing!
Oh, stop it, you ! I’m blushing ! :D Thank you very much :)
That is the greatest blanket I have ever seen! I’m starting one now for my daughter who is a Star Wars expert (40 years old). I can’t wait until Christmas to give it to her. I have made several Star War hats which is wears a lot! Thank you for your generosity. I printed out my charts, have my yarn so now I just need to learn to crochet from a chart!
Thank you so much :) I love to imagine all those Star Wars blankets under the trees next christmas :) May the force be with you !
What a fantastic blanket!!! I certainly appreciate the amount of time, effort and talent that went into it. You are a very talented and patient gal!
Thank you very much Melissa, I really appreciate it :)
This is awesome!!
Thank you ! :)
I love your blanket and I can’t wait until I start making one for my husband. I was wondering how much wool I would need of each colour?
Thank you xx
Hi !
The amount of yarn needed is detailed on the pattern page here : http://www.ahookamigurumi.com/en/star-wars-crochet-blanket-free-charts/
Happy crocheting :)
Thank you for the amazing blanket. I am learning to ‘picture crochet’ as I go and it’s a wonderful challenge. I started it for my sons friend as a ‘going away to uni/leaving home’ blanket but underestimated how long it would take! It’s now going to be a Christmas present. Thank you again for all your hard work in designing all of the squares and putting them together in the wonderful order you have.
Hello Shelley, and sorry I totally missed your comment. How did it go? Did you succeed in making it as a christmas present? :)
I’m really enjoying making this but the backs of my squares are a bit messy :( Do you have any pointers on any way I could back this? I’d rather not use a sewing machine at that’s what everyone keeps advising me!
Hi Michelle, the back shouldn’t be messy if you use the intarsia technique. If you used simple color changes, I’m sorry to say I think lining it is your only option
Absolutely, stunningly, amazingly, beautifully created crochet blanket! I am in LOVE!!! This is STUNNING!
Waw, thank you very much Jennifer <3
Do you believe in love at first sight? I do now, after seeing this amazing blanket!
Is there a chance to buy the pattern?
never mind, I just found the patterns. Many thanks for the great work :)
Hey there! Sorry for the late reply ! Did you start your blanket yet?
Happy crocheting !
I want to try to do this for my son. I have never done any crochet from graphs or grid before. Do you think this would be too ambitious for a first time try?
Hi Christine ! Sorry for the late reply !
No, I think you can try it ! I would suggest to start with the simplest squares as the 66 or the lightsabers which don’t involve too much color changes, but the best way to learn is to challenge yourself I think !
Let me know how it goes !
See you soon :)
Oh my god I love you, I love you I love you for putting this online. .. for free! It’s one of the most awesome things ive seen on Ravelry!
You are awesome!
Thank you Jiska, that’s a real pleasure for me :)
Made one for my granddaughter. She loved it.
How much would I charge to make the Star War afghan for someone.?
love it. I’m making one for my son and have been trying to find a pattern for lando calrission. Do you have one
Hello…..I love love love your Star Wars blanket…..I live with perhaps the biggest Star Wars fan on the planet ( he’s 14 ) and I am excited to make this blanket for him…..small question ….I don’t crochet I knit…..what do you suggest…thanks christa evans
Hi Chris, I’m sorry because I don’t knit, but I know some knitters made the blanket too following the charts !
Thank you for these awesome charts! I’ve looked through others and yours are the easiest to follow
I’m currently 4 squares in. Making this for my 11 year old son, but really the entire family are fans. I anticipated this being a several month project but have just been so excited to work it. Hence the 4 done this week.
Just wanted to say thanks again for all your hard work and generosity for sharing
I am new to crocheting and am making this blanket for my boyfriend. Can anyone offer advice on weaving in the ends? Should I be doing it as I crochet or wait until the end? I also seem to have a lot of fraying yarn when I cut so the back of the blanket looks horrible. I would appreciate any advice!!
This is so cool! I’ve want to learn how to crotchet and this is way out o my league but once I get started I can’t wait to make this!
Just wondering about the hook size you used to make the blanket?
Thank you and stay safe!
Hi, I started crocheting the star wars blanket that you show here, several years ago, I am determined to finish it, however I am having trouble getting the patterns/graphs. I only need about 10 more:) I don’t know if you could email some to me, I am having trouble downloading the ones I can find or even copying and pasteing them which I think is what I originally did. So I hope you can help me. I love this blanket, and I think my son will too. You did a fantastic job!!
Fabulous blanket my son would love this. Can I ask where did you buy the yarn from please x
Is there a written pattern for the Star Wars logo? I’m finding it incredibly difficult to see the squares, I can’t wait to finish this pattern though, it’s incredible work, you’re very talented