The secret behind cute zombies

minibuddies zombie mod pattern by ahooka

Don’t tell anyone but, I got minibuddies in my backyard ! 

Minibuddies are tiny little creatures shaped like humans, who love to lounge. They are the cutest living beings in the world ! (Well, just after red pandas and jawas of course) 

And the secret to adopt cute zombies is… Minibuddies ! 

minibuddies zombie mod pattern by ahooka

You already know that a not-so-cute zombie is now living in my backyard too… And where there’s one, there’s always more !

But, as there’s not other inhabitants than my cat (too big) and the minibuddies in my backyard… I thought… Minibuddies would surely make cute zombies  !

So, rather than warn them, I waited for Zombie to do his job… Every day, I went out to see them, watching out for any change…

‘Til one day, he finally showed up…

minibuddies zombie mod pattern by ahooka

Shortly afterwords, I had an entire horde of cute zombies ! Some had missing arms, other had a visible (or a missing) brain, their clothes were torn, but they still had minibuddies genes and not much had changed after all! 

minibuddies zombie mod pattern by ahooka

I even surprised them playing what looked liked “red light, green light” with surviving minibuddies… 

minibuddies zombie mod pattern by ahooka

minibuddies zombie mod by ahooka 02

Well, that’s all there is to know to cute zombies adoption !  

  • Plant minibuddies in your garden
  • Wait for October to welcome a not-so-cute zombie at home
  • Let him do the job
  • Harvest your cute little zombies ! 

Wouldn’t it work (but I really can’t see why it wouldn’t !), you can also get a copy of their pattern in my Etsy shop from now on :)

EN - minibuddies zombie mod - amigurumi pattern- by ahooka thumbnail


5 Responses to The secret behind cute zombies

  1. I was looking for a pattern for your little mini-buddies – specifically, the tiny dolls…NOT zombies or monsters…
    would love to make one (or MORE!) for my little granddaughter….IF the pattern is not too expensive.
    With my own (grown) children, plus grands, plus nieces, nephews, brothers and sisters, my budget is being stretched already…

    Where is the pattern for these darling mini-dolls? I LOVE them!

  2. Want to THANK YOU sincerely for the Free E-book Amigurumi patterns.
    That is such a generous offer to all of us.

    Your patterns are always lovely…and your site is always a joy to peruse.

    It amazed me how open and sharing this crochet community is! In finding this online community, I feel as though I have found a whole new family!

    Thank you again – and wishing you and your family a wonderful and Blessed Christmas Season!

    • Ow :) You’re so welcome ! :) Thank you very much for your kind words !
      I do feel that giant family thing too ! It’s the magic of crochet ^^
      I wish you all the best too !

  3. Thank you so much for the free e-book! I made two zombies so far. They are adorable and everybody wants one. I’d like to crochet a zombie girl now, but I cant find the pattern for the zombie girl hair that only covers part of the head. Can you help?

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