A 100% crochet Halloween

crochet halloween by ahooka

4 days to go ! I’m waiting for it just like a little girl would wait for Santa on Christmas. Will I ever be able to drink a magic potion bowl with a witch or a ghost? I hope so ! 

In the meantime, I try my best to make a cozy place for them to feel like home when they’ll come and visit me ! 

crochet halloween by ahooka

Plants vs Zombies area

With Aradiya Toys Chomper and Zombie, my zombie head lolipops and my old sewing machine covered in dust and spider webs… 

crochet halloween by ahookacrochet halloween by ahookacrochet halloween by ahooka

crochet halloween by ahooka

crochet halloween by ahooka

The playground area

With my zombies minibuddies, my rag doll and Casper’s cousin, Ghosty ! Plus some pumpinks and (more) spider webs… 

crochet halloween by ahooka

crochet halloween by ahooka

crochet halloween by ahooka

crochet halloween by ahooka

crochet halloween by ahooka

Tim Burton’s area

With Nichole Nerdy’s knots’s Oogie BoogieJack and Zero, Irene Strange’s Sally and my Voodoo girl

crochet halloween by ahooka

crochet halloween by ahooka

crochet halloween by ahooka

crochet halloween by ahooka

crochet halloween by ahooka

Well, I guess all I have left to do now is find a bit of toad’s drool to add in my cauldron so that everything would be ready for Saturday ! :)

crochet halloween by ahooka

If you have a blog or a Facebook page with Halloween related posts, feel free to link them in the comments ! I’d love to read/see them ! :) 


2 Responses to A 100% crochet Halloween

  1. I love your zombie/walking dead doll that you made for Halloween!! Can you share the pattern? My granddaughter is a HUGE fan of the walking dead shows, and I’d love to surprise her with this doll!! Please let me know…

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