♪♫♪ Tiiiiih ti ti dididididi di diih di, ti tididiiih di, ti tididiiih di…♪♫♪ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
♪♫♪ Tiiiiih ti ti dididididi di diih di, ti tididiiih di, ti tididiiih di…♪♫♪ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Mandalas !
Maybe have you made your first one out of curiosity, maybe for sad reasons, maybe to pass the time… The thing is, you’ve made the first one,… but not the last because they are SO addictive to make !
Sometimes, an idea pops out in your head, then stays cozy in there for a while, until it’s grown enough to become concrete… Just like a baby actually :p >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
4 days to go ! I’m waiting for it just like a little girl would wait for Santa on Christmas. Will I ever be able to drink a magic potion bowl with a witch or a ghost? I hope so ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
As many of you, I was extremly saddened by the loss of our fellow crocheter Wink (you can read her sister’s word about it here if you haven’t yet). So, even if I’d never made a mandala before, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>