The magic knot. Pure wizardry.
I mean, seriously? “Wrap the yarn around your needle 3 times” AND BOOM, you’ve got a knot.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The magic knot. Pure wizardry.
I mean, seriously? “Wrap the yarn around your needle 3 times” AND BOOM, you’ve got a knot.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hey you ! Do you have crazy WIP piles? Do you feel guilty every time you start a new project thinking about all the one you “should be” finishing first? Does spring inspire you to declutter your home but you don’t know what to do with all those WIPs hidden all around the place? Do you need a bit of extra motivation? Well, this challenge might >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Looking at other crocheter’s amigurumis, you may have noticed that our stitches are not always looking the same. When I started crocheting 7 years ago, this drove me crazy ! Most of the time, single crochets were looking like little “v”s slotting one on top of the other just like mines did, but sometimes, I ran into amigurumis pictures where the single crochets were looking a lot more like littles “x”s perfectly stacked one onto >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
As I was already preparing my Christmas gifts (what? 3 weeks before isn’t considered like an “already”? But it’s a feat for me !), making a new tinycorn >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>