Category Archives: Tips and tricks

How to make wrinkles on your amigurumi [tutorial]

When I published the latest “Patterns from other website“, I told you that I had added some wrinkles to Oogie Boogie in order to give him a little bit more details. I was very happy to know that a lot of you liked those wrinkles, included Oogie’s pattern designer : Nichole’s nerdy knots.

Oogie boogie amigurumi by ahooka 

So, I made a short tutorial you can use if you’d like to add wrinkles to your Oogie too, or any other amigurumi (I think of dress pleats for example)  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

A cross stitch embroidery in a photo frame : yes, but… [tips & tricks]


Among all the possibilities to display a cross stitch embridery, you can put it in a photo frame.

Yes, but… Depending on the frame, sometimes, the back has holes in it ! It’s not a problem when you put a picture in it as it’s opaque, but the Aïda cloth let the light come out of those holes ! Oops…

So, here is an easy way to make your embroidery opaque in order to display it in a photo frame.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

How to embroider your amigurumi details

embroidery tutorial by ahooka

When I first started making amigurumis, my biggest problem was to deal with embroidered details. 

Generally, when you follow a pattern, you are told to “embroider the mouth and nose” (“and sort it out for yourself”). But when you don’t have a clue how to do it, it’s not that simple ! You don’t know how to attach your yarn and you can ruin hours of work by embroidering rough details.

Here is what I learned since then. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

How to : make a star fit into a circle – crochet tutorial with captain america

Captain America coasters by ahooka

For the movie release in march, I made Captain America coasters. 

But for once, Lord Internet hasn’t been of great help ! I could’nt find a proper way to make a star fit into a circle ! At least not to come up to my expectations.

So I tried to find one by myself, crocheting, uncrocheting, crocheting again until I would finally like it.

So here is the tutorial I came up with, I hope it will help you ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>