125 Responses to Crochet Star Wars Lightsaber [free amigurumi pattern]

    • Hi, The mini light saber crochet pattern is now a part of my free eBook. Leave your e-mail address in the box below the article, and you’ll receive it right away !

    • Hi Melody, you just have to enter your email in the box below the article, and the eBook will be sent to you automatically.
      Have a nice day !

    • Hi Sarah, the mini light saber crochet pattern is now a part of my free eBook. Leave your e-mail address in the box below the article, and you’ll receive it right away !

    • Hi Heather, the mini light saber crochet pattern is now a part of my free eBook. Leave your e-mail address in the box below the article, and you’ll receive it right away !

    • Hi Guadupe, the mini light saber crochet pattern is now a part of my free eBook. Leave your e-mail address in the box below the article, and you’ll receive it right away !

  1. Hope you have had a great Christmas. Please would you send me the Star Wars patterns for the light saber. It looks brilliant! Thank youxxx

    • Hi Christine, the mini light saber crochet pattern is now a part of my free eBook. Leave your e-mail address in the box below the article, and you’ll receive it right away !

    • Hi Julie, the mini light saber crochet pattern is now a part of my free eBook. Leave your e-mail address in the box below the article, and you’ll receive it right away !

  2. Hey!
    I recently got into crocheting and this is the cutest lightsaber I’ve ever seen!
    Thank you, thanks for the free ebook patterns!! They’re great for present!
    \(>w<)/ Keep at it!

    • To receive it, you have to enter your email in the box under the article, I did that for you (and removed your email address from the comments so that everybody can’t see it ^^) but you’ll have to confirm the subscription to get it :)

  3. Hi!
    I love the Lightsaber! Would you send me the pattern, please?
    Thanks a lot!

    • Hi Victoria, you can enter your email address in the box below your article, it will be sent to you automatically :) See you soon

  4. Bonjour, je voulais te remercier très très fort pour ce modèle vraiment mignon !
    Il a été très important pour moi.. Car il m’a “forcée” à créer mon premier modèle d’amigurumi namoikilébo !

    Eh oui ! Je ne trouvais pas de porteur de ce sabre digne de ce nom, il le fallait aussi chou que le sabre… Et je n’étais pas satisfaite des modèles que je voyais, toujours un détail qui n’allait pas comme je le voulais..

    Alors c’est officiel : je l’aime ton sabre. C’est le départ d’une nouvelle aventure pour moi. (si tu veux une photo, pas de soucis !)

    • Hey, Arturo, thank you very much !! :) As for the book, you just need to put your email address in the box below the article to get it :)

  5. I would like the crochet pattern for the lightsaber. I am making a Darth Vader for my grandson for Christmas, he loves all Star Wars figures. Thank You

    • Hi Tamara, yes of course, just click on the “download now” button on the upper right corner of the blog, enter your email adress and it will be sent to you automatically :)

    • Hi Sharon, yes of course, you just need to put your email address in the box below the article and it will be sent to you automatically :)

    • Hi there, yes of course, you just need to put your email address in the box below the article and it will be sent to you automatically :)

    • Hi Ruth, I can see that you subscribed to receive the pattern but never confirmed your subscription by clicking the link in the email you received. Have you checked you spam box? It has been sent on December 19 !

    • Please feel free to tell me what you thought about it or even to send me a picture by email or on facebook ! I’d be happy to see how it turned out :)

  6. Would love to receive your free e-book including this patter. Thank you so very much for sharing your talent.

  7. I entered my name and email an hour ago and still haven’t received my confirmation email or access to the ebook. I’m pretty frustrated. How long until I can access the ebook?

  8. Hello!
    I’m trying to use your link to receive the ebook but I’m not getting an email. Is there anything else I can do?

  9. Hi
    I am having the same problem, nothing happens. I notice you say if you have subscribed before to unsubscribe, but i haven’t so any ideas on how to make the link work please?

  10. a few friends of mine having been asking me to sell my crochet, was wondering if I could sell these (obviously giving you full credit of design)?

  11. Bonjour,
    Je ne reçois pas de mail avec le lien pour le téléchargement gratuit.
    Comment faire ?
    Merci pour vos partages

  12. Thank you for sharing this pattern. My nephew is going to university and my mum will be thrilled to make this for him.

  13. Please send me the e book light sabre crochet pattern. Thank you for sharing the pattern.

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