Happy bear’s day ! | Ahookamigurumi

Happy bear’s day !

barry and paula bears crochet pattern by ahooka

Well… I don’t know why everybody seem to think it’s women’s day today…Because I’m pretty sure March 8th is Bear’s day ! 

Yes, because, today is the birthday of someone special, someone without whom I wouldn’t be writing to you today (lol, this sound like a bad Oscars speech). Her nickname is “Mamyours” (which could be translate by “grannyteddybear”) and she is the one who taught me my very first crochet stitches a few years ago.  

One afternoon, a nice and hot cup of tea and some delicious cookies served, she patiently showed me how to chain, and single crochet. She watched me struggle with that damn yarn which wouldn’t stay tight on my finger. She showed me again, and again what looked like some kind of fingers martial art to me. 

That day, I went home with the crochet dummy essentials. Crochet hooks, yarn, a tapestry needle, I was ready to fight. I continued my learning with Youtube, and 2 years later, while I had gave up on crochet after having made 24 scarves and 67 hats, I thought to myself that I could probably make a teddy bear to thank her…


Don’t be laughing ! :D

It is full of imperfections, but it’s my very first stuffed toy, the first step into amigurumis…and certainly not the last. 

Since then, I made other stuffed bears ! 

• Mini bears, by a pattern from Anisbee  (in French)

anisbee bear by ahooka

• Funky bears with Pot Bear


• Fine bears with a pattern from Kristitullus


• Dancing bears with Barry

circus amigurumi pattern by ahooka

So, what would be a better day than today to present you the pattern of Barry and his new partner Paula? :)

barry and paula bears crochet pattern by ahooka

You already now Barry, he entered the circus contest with Loyal

(By the way… I should have released Loyal’s pattern too, but I won’t… Well, at least not for now… because Loyal will be a part of the new amigurumipatterns.net book to be released in June ! Yay ! I’m so excited !)

So today, I took pictures of Paula during her rehearsal :

barry and paula bears crochet pattern by ahooka

barry and paula bears crochet pattern by ahooka

barry and paula bears crochet pattern by ahooka

Here is Méline‘s version too, who kindly accepted to test the pattern ! (THANK YOU!)

barry the bear by Meline, ahooka pattern barry the bear by Meline, ahooka pattern

Isn’t he cute with his two-colored tutu ?

For technical details, head of to the pattern page ! 

>>>>>The pattern<<<<<

And happy Bear’s day of course ! :)

See you soon!

8 Responses to Happy bear’s day !

  1. I love your “first” bear!! How creative and you did such a great job in making him – I would never be able to figure out how to make something such as this without a pattern to follow. I love all your creations – thank you for sharing with us!!

    • Thank you very much Chantal ! I didn’t have a specific pattern, but I remember using parts of patterns found here and there ! I can’t take credit for inventing him from A to Z :)

    • Thank you Joan ! :) It won’t be “my” book though, my design will be feature in there with 12 others ! But they are all from very talented designers ^^

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