In memory of my beloved little assistant : a crochet ferret [free amigurumi pattern]

ferret free crochet amigurumi pattern by ahooka

It’s a bit difficult for me to write about it without sounding melodramatic, and it’s really not my goal…
But Chipie, the one you know about as “my little assistant” is gone at the end of August. We decided to put an end to her suffering after 7 years and a half of her jumping around and bringing us a huge amount of happiness. It was one of the hardest decision of our lives but sadly, it had to be made. 



When I announced her passing on Facebook, somebody suggested I should make a ferret looking like her to help me cope with my loss. And I thought it was a great idea ! Plus, I already made a crocheted ferret one year ago and never took the time to write a pattern for it. 
So, I looked at a bunch of pictures of her, and that wasn’t easy either… Plus, I felt like I couldn’t do her justice with an inanimate plush while she was all about running and jumping all over the place :)
But I finally did it, and, as I couldn’t make it a paid pattern due to the circumstances, here it is :) I hope you’ll enjoy it and you’ll be able to make your very own cute little assistant too!

(As a very personal digression : ferrets are *oh so cute* little animals, but please think about it before getting one. They need a lot of attention and they’d much rather play than cuddle. And if you’re really in love with them, there are hundreds of organizations with hundreds of abandoned ferrets to handle. – End of the digression – happy crocheting ! ^^) 

ferret amigurumi pattern


• Yarn : I used cotton yarn (Drops Safran) but any kind of yarn would do !
• a 2,5mm hook (B)
• fiberfill
• a tapestry (or yarn) needle 
• A pair of 6mm black safety eyes
• (optional) : a small piece of electric wire to put in the front legs ( – see instructions)
• (optional) : a bit of eye shadow to color the inside of the ears and the “ferret glasses” 


st : stitch
sc : single crochet
slst : slip stitch
ch : chain
inc : increase
dec : decrease 
BLO : back loop only
FO : Fasten of
(…,…)*x : repeat “x” times the instructions between brackets. 



R1 : 6sc in a magic ring(6)
R2 : (sc1, inc)*3 (9)
R3 : sc, inc, (sc2, inc)*2, sc1 (12) – I shift the increases every other row so they won’t show that much – see article “how to make a perfect circle” 
R4 : (sc3, inc)*3 (15)
R5 : sc2, inc, (sc4, inc)*2, sc2 (18)
R6 : (sc5, inc)*3 (21)
R7 : sc3, inc, (sc6, inc)*2, sc3 (24)
R8 : (sc7, inc)*3 (27)
R9-12 : sc in each st (27)
Insert safety eyes between round 7 and 8, 7 stitches apart.crochet ferret amigurumi pattern
R13 : (sc7, dec)*3 (24)
R14 : sc3, dec, (sc6, dec)*5, sc3 (21)
R15 : (sc5, dec)*3 (18)
Stuff the head.
R16 : (sc1, dec)*6 (12)
R17 : dec*6 (6)
FO, weave the yarn tail through the front loop of each remaining stitches and pull tight in order to close the body. Then, weave in the end.

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern


R1 : 6sc in a magic ring(6)
R2 : inc*6 (12)
R3 : (sc, inc)*6 (18)
R4 : sc, inc, (sc2, inc)*5, sc (24) 
R5 : (sc3, inc)*6 (30)
R6 : sc2, inc, (sc4, inc)*6, sc2 (36)
R7-10 : sc in each st (36)
R11 : sc5, dec, (sc10, dec)*2, sc5 (33)
R12 : (sc9, dec)*3 (30)
R13 : sc5, dec, (sc10, dec)*2, sc5 (27)
R14 : (sc7, dec)*3 (24)
R15 : sc4, dec, (sc8, dec)*2, sc4 (21)
R16 : (sc5, dec)*3 (18)
Begin to stuff and continue as you go.
R17-20 : sc in each st (18)
R21 : dec*2, sc6, inc*2, sc6 (18)
R22 : sc in each st (18)
R23 : dec*3, sc12 (15)
R24 : sc in each st (15)
FO, leaving a long tail for sewing to the head.

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

Pin the head to the body as shown on the pictures and sew it in place. 

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

Front legs (*2)

R1 : sc6 in a magic ring (6)
R2 : inc*6 (12)
R3 : BLO: dec*3, in bot loops : sc6 (9)
R4-5 : sc in each st (9)
Stuff the tip of the leg.
R6 : (sc1, dec)*3 (6)
R7-9 : sc in each st (6)
R10 : (sc1, inc)*3 (9)
FO, leaving a long tail to sew to the body.

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

Once you made both legs, you can either stuff them firmly or use a bit of wire for them to hold the body better (see pictures below and this article on how to make your amigurumis poseable). 

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

Insert the wire 5 rows below the neck, 3 stitches apart. 

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

Check the length with a leg. 

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

And bend the end of the wire (shorten it if necessary).

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

Then put the legs around the wire (if you crochet with a bigger yarn than mine, you might need to stuff the legs a bit before sewing them to the body) 

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

And sew into place.

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern


Rear legs (*2)

R1 : sc6 in a magic ring (6)
R2 : inc*6 (12)
R3 : BLO: dec*3, in both loops : sc6 (9)
R4 : sc in each st (9)
FO, leaving a long tail for sewing to the body.

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

Pin them on both sides of the body, making sure they touch the ground and sew them into place. 

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern


R1 : sc6 in a magic ring (6)
R2-13 : sc in each st (6) – If you use the same yarn as I did, you won’t need to stuff the tail, however if you use bigger yarn, stuff as you go.
R14 : (sc1, inc)*3 (9)
R15 : (sc2, inc)*3 (12)
FO, leaving a long tail for sewing to the body. 

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

Pin the tail to the body making sure it touches the ground and sew into place.

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

Ears (*2)

R1 : sc5 in a magic ring (5) – Don’t close the round.
FO leaving a long tail for sewing.

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

Bend slightly the ears and pin them on the top of the head then sew into place.

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

crochet ferret amigurumi pattern

Now all you have left to do is embroider a small snout in the shape of a triangle. Feel free to read “how to embroider your amigurumi details” to help you out with that. You can also add a bit of eye shadow inside the ears and around the eyes to form the “ferret glasses”. 

ferret amigurumi pattern

And that’s it !

ferret amigurumi pattern

I really hope you’ll enjoy this pattern :)

See you soon !

60 Responses to In memory of my beloved little assistant : a crochet ferret [free amigurumi pattern]

  1. So sorry to hear of your loss. Blessings to you. Thank you for sharing a lovely pattern that is heart warming.

  2. My deepest sympathies :( .. I know how it feels when you have to let your little Furball go but we do it with love and she will live on always in your heart xx I have 2 Ferrets >’o'< and my friends have them too so I look forward to making them these little ones that I can give as gifts this Xmas. Thank you for sharing this pattern xx

  3. sorry to hear of your loss but you pattern is beautiful thank you for sharing Rita in Liverpool U.K x

  4. So sorry for your loss. My sister has 3 ferrets and I would love to make one for her! Thank you for sharing your awesome pattern!

  5. Thank you for sharing this great pattern! My friend really wants a ferret, but I’m going to use this as a ‘pet rock!’ What is the weight of this yarn?

  6. When I first came across your crocheted ferret, I fell in love. I went in search of a pattern and was so disappointed that there wasn’t one. I found others, but not as good. In my search I learned about your little buddy. I am soooo sorry for your loss. I have a furry friend that is always close by to keep me company. I appreciate your pattern and thank you for the time spent on it. Again, I’m so sorry.

  7. I’m so sorry, your Chipie looks just like my Baby, who lived to be 10. Ferrets are wonderful pets, but it’s so sad they don’t live very long. I know you will miss Chipie very much and my heart goes out to you for your loss.

  8. Gorgeous! I’m so sorry you lost your fur-baby. I know when it happens to my bunny or my kitty I will be devestated. Great pattern!

  9. I’m SO sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is, I have 4 ferrets of my own that are slowly getting old and passing on. Everyone deals with it differently so I can’t say that I feel your pain, it may be worse than mine when they “go”.
    I put mine in an urn with their fav treats and toys and have a picture of their beautiful tiny faces in front.
    Thank you so much for the free pattern. We all should make one in memory of your little assistant. I know that I will be making one for sure!
    I send hugs and dooks your way and hope that your pain will ease soon. Chipie will always be with you in some form and helping you along :-)

  10. Thank you for sharing such a lovely pattern of your companion and assistant. I am so very sorry for your loss. When we take on a fur friend they become part of us. It is a beautiful pattern.

  11. så jättesöt… så sorgligt att mista sitt lilla djur de blir som ens älskade familjemedlemmar… och jättesöt som virkad, tack

  12. Hello, Ophelie. I’m very sorry to hear of the loss of your dear pet. It’s difficult indeed to deal with the loss of our furry loved ones. You never do forget, but the good memories do help with the pain some, in my personal experience. Hope it will the same for you.

    This pattern is beautifully shaped and does look very lively itself. Thank you very much for sharing and I wish you the best as the days go on.

  13. I’m sorry for your loss. We had to make the same difficult decision a few months ago. Our lovely standard poodle Spencer was he was 11.

  14. sorry for your loss of Chipie. We (my family) had two ferrets, Bandit and Charley. They gave up hours of entertainment. We loved them so much but as life is, theirs came to an end also. It has been a couple of years now and I still get an ear to ear smile when I think of them. Thank you so much for the pattern. I will be making two in memory of Bandit and Charley.

  15. thank you for this pattern and so sorry for your little pet, so I apologize for my mistakes in English language because I’m a french reader. I’m so sad too because I lost my beloved dog sharpei at oktober the 14th, it was my friendly femelle dog, donc je continue en français car je vois que ce site traduit dans les deux langues pour vous dire ma compréhension, c’est un drame de perdre nos amis qui ont pris tellement d’importance dans nos vies, j’ai dû aussi en venir à abréger ses souffrances, elle avait 6 ans et demie, et les sharpei ont souvent cette maladie qui l’a emportée, je termine car ce site est dédié aux travaux de crochet et je vous remercie pour ce don, je vais essayer de le faire si je peux en noir, amicalement, françoise

    • Merci Françoise, Chipie était malade aussi, toujours difficile de savoir à quel moment ils souffrent trop ! Grosse pensée pour votre petite sharpei, qui doit peut-être se faire embêter par une petite Chipie là haut ;)

  16. It always hurt to loose a pet and family memeber when they have brought you so much happiness and laughter. I think your pattern is just a great way to honor your little friend.

  17. I’m so sorry to hear. Our pet kids do know how to enhance our lives. What a beautiful tribute to your Chipie. There will now be thousands of Chipies all over the world.

  18. ty for sharing your ferret pattern. ive been looking for one for my son. he also lost a little girl not to long a go sending prays to you. love debi

  19. I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for your kindness in sharing your pattern. I work with children who have disabilities. Many of my children have sad home lives where loss is a constant. One of my students lost his ferret and was very sad. I wanted to make him a crocheted one so he wouldn’t be so sad. Bless you for creating this pattern and sharing:)

  20. My son has two ferrets, named Nibble and Noodle. Nibble because he liked to nibble on you and Noodle because my son said he was like holding a wet noodle. They lived with me for a year or so,(because my son lived with me for a time) but they are not with me anymore and I don’t get to see much of them now. I’m going to have to crochet a couple of them. This is so cute. Thank You.

    • My pleasure Diane ! Ferrets are so adorable and it so easy to fall in love with them, I assume it became really empty in your house without your son and his two ferrets ! I hope these one will kind of fulfill this emptiness ^^

  21. I miss our Dolcia and Lori so much. They were so sweet. We found Lori at a pet store. He had been returned as “mean”. My first meet he bit thru my lip. They thought we’d not want him. He was to go back to the “ferret mill” to be put down. We got him and loved his ornery ways. Dolcia was a lover. She had the ailment of many ferrets. We had to pass her on to someone who knew ferrets and had the money to have her treated. I so miss both of them. I could tell so many sweet/ornery stories of our babies.

    • I know right, ferrets are so funny and adorable, that’s why it’s that painful when we lose them. I’m sorry to hear your story, but may the good memories you have of them keep enlightening your thoughts for a long time :)

  22. I know it is past the time of your loss but being a ferret owner myself, I know the pain of the loss never truly goes away. The little scamps bring so much joy for such a short time in our lives. My heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful pattern with an even greater story behind it. Every stitch, every row, I am sure was done with absolute love.

    • Ow thank you Sonya. You’re right, I still think about her a lot and I think I ever will ! Enjoy the time you have with yours, may him/her live a very very long and happy life :)

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