Ladies and ladies, welcome to Ahooka’s crochet circus ! | Ahookamigurumi

Ladies and ladies, welcome to Ahooka’s crochet circus !

circus amigurumi pattern by ahooka

♪♫♪ Tiiiiih ti ti dididididi di diih di, ti tididiiih di, ti tididiiih di…♪♫♪

As you might know, every year, organizes an amigurumi contest around animals. Last year, the theme was parent and baby animals. I did participate with Babet and Boba Fet, the ferrets, and I liked it a lot as it made me step out of my comfort zone. Indeed, animals are rarely geek or pop culture related (except if they are pink, with a horn on the head and a Darth Vader shirt of course). So this year, I couldn’t wait to read the email which would announce the new theme : the Circus !  


For the record, my final-year project at school was an anti-fur campaign for Peta, I’m vegan, I get up at 5 in the morning so my cat can go out when she wants to, and my heart breaks a little when I kill a mosquito (well, ok, this one is a bit exaggerated). Anyway, I’m concerned about animal rights and I have a “tiny” ethical problem with zoos, animal parks, Marineland & co, and of course…Circus. 

So, my Little Angel and my Little Devil started a long argument. I finally make them come to an agreement when I convinced them it was better to let children play with stuffed yarn animals than to bring them see “real” ones (and by “real” I mean, standing animals in a human costume of course).

I got down to work, and I loved it ! As for last year, it was a real challenge for me (I don’t think I would ever had made a ringmaster if it wasn’t for this contest – nor a bear in a pink tutu by the way). Plus, I loved to see all these work around the same theme from all these different horizons crocheters ! It’s so inspiring ! It’s just like seeing through somebody’s imagination through a tiny porthole. 

I knew I wanted to make a ringmaster. Sketches after sketches, his shapes got simpler and simpler and he became this colorful jolly man.

circus amigurumi pattern by ahooka

circus amigurumi pattern by ahooka

circus amigurumi pattern by ahooka

circus amigurumi pattern by ahooka

I didn’t plan on making 2 entries but my pencil drew this dancing bear on the paper ! My crochet followed the lead and gave birth to Barry and his pink tutu ! 

circus amigurumi pattern by ahooka

circus amigurumi pattern by ahooka

I invite you to take a look at all the entries, some of them are stunning ! And, if you’d like to support me, you can also vote for Loyal and Barry, it would make me them very happy :) 

Note : It’s not that clear on the vote page, but you’ll have to choose 5 different entries to complete your vote :)

circus amigurumi pattern by ahooka

See you soon !


12 Responses to Ladies and ladies, welcome to Ahooka’s crochet circus !

  1. I love your creations! That bear is so cute and the ring-master, WOW, what more can I say!! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Hi
    Thank you for sharing, you are very gifted. I hope you win.
    I think it is fantastic, you can make a pattern from the drawing. You get so creative ideas
    The ringmaster and bear are so beautyful.
    It really give lot of thoughts, I have lot to learn

    When the competion are finished, please, will it be possible for you selling the pattern?
    Kindest regards
    from Denmark

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