Patterns from other website n°1 : Charizard, Fluffy unicorn,Totoro, and Gorjuss

Charizard amigurumi by ahooka Agnes Amigurumi by Ahooka

Gorjuss amigurumi by Ahooka Tototo amigurumi by Ahooka


Sometimes, between two creations, it’s fun to try other people’s amigurumi patterns, therefore, internet is a goldmine !

So, from now on, I’ll regularly post amigurumis I’ve made with patterns found over the internet (free or not) and I’ll share with you my personal experience with this pattern.

In order to launch the section “patterns from other website”, I present to you Charizard, Fluffy Unicorn, Totoro and Gorjuss !

Charizard amigurumi by ahooka

I.Charizard (Pokemon)

Designer :  MiaHandcrafter

Just as the little jawas by Lucyravenscar, I had a real crush on the Charizard pattern by Miahancrafter ! A free, ultra detailed and neat pattern…Great !

My changes :
– Colors
– Eyes : replaced by cat safety eyes
– Teeth which were originally the claws.


Agnes Amigurumi by Ahooka

II. Fluffy Unicorn (Despicable me)

Designer : LittleYarnfriends

I couldn’t decently leave Lil’Agnes alone, without her fluffy unicorn ! Especially when such a nice free pattern was given by LittleYarnfriends !!  Neat and clean ! Nothing left to be said !!

My changes :
– I decreased the number of rows for the body so it wouldn’t be too big next to Agnes.
– I couldn’t resist the temptation to make a golden horn with drops cotton viscose.
– Then, I combed the acrylic yarn in order to give the unicorn its fluffyness, and, ‘voilà’ !




Tototo amigurumi by Ahooka

III. Totoro (my neighbor Totoro)

Designer :  LucyRavenscar

Lucy Ravenscar totoro pattern? Super easy and relaxing ! Accessible to everyone, well written, so nice ! That’s probably why it is such a success
The only drawback : the nose ! Indeed, the instructions are to “embroider the nose”… Unfortunaltely, when you don’t know HOW to embroider, that could be tricky !
Actually, I was desperately trying to embroider the nose with yarn and a tapestry needle…MISTAKE :-D The answer is as simple as to use the appropriate material : embroidery thread and needle ! What else?! Silly me who was wondering why my tapestry needle made big holes through my stitches :-D

My changes : None ! Totoro is just fine as he his ! :-)



Gorjuss amigurumi by Ahooka

IV. Gorjuss

Designer :  Madres Hyperactivas (spanish/eng)

Overall, it’s a nice pattern : pleasant and mistakes free ! However, you should know that you’ll have to manage the hair by yourselves !

My changes :
– Hair : I did’nt follow the picture but the “Gorjuss on a swing” one.
– The lace : I crochet it rathen than sew it.
– Finally, I made her some knickers ! Honestly !!


What about you? Do you have nice patterns to share ? 

3 Responses to Patterns from other website n°1 : Charizard, Fluffy unicorn,Totoro, and Gorjuss

  1. Hello. I downloaded your ebook. Thank you!
    I’m trying to do the white mad fluffy with the red heart but I’m having a problem with the ears. For the body you gave this instruction:
    Rnd 1: sc6 in a MR(6)
    But… for the ears:
    Rnd 1: sc3 in a MR(6)
    Mmmm how do you get 6,
    single crocheting 3?
    Thank you for the help!
    (I’m a beginner for real ;)

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