How to : make a star fit into a circle – crochet tutorial with captain america

Captain America coasters by ahooka

For the movie release in march, I made Captain America coasters. 

But for once, Lord Internet hasn’t been of great help ! I could’nt find a proper way to make a star fit into a circle ! At least not to come up to my expectations.

So I tried to find one by myself, crocheting, uncrocheting, crocheting again until I would finally like it.

So here is the tutorial I came up with, I hope it will help you !



This free pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed, sold, translated, published, altered or posted (for sell or for free) over the internet or offline. However, you can sell items made from this pattern, provided that they are handmade by yourself and you add the the following lines to your item description : ” This item is handmade by ….. from a design and pattern by ©Ahooka /” 


Abbreviations :

st : stich
sl st : slip stich
sc : single crochet
hdc : half double crochet
dc : double crochet
tc : triple crochet
inc : increase

star in a crochet circle tutorial1. First, make a magic ring






star in a crochet circle tutorial2. Crochet 10 hdc in the magic ring






star in a crochet circle tutorial3. Pull TIGHT and close the circle with a slip stitch






star in a crochet circle tutorial

4. Chain 4






star in a crochet circle tutorial5. Sl st in second chain from hook, sc, hdc






star in a crochet circle tutorial6. Skip a st. and sl st to the center






star in a crochet circle tutorial7. Repeat from 4. to 6. 4 times






star in a crochet circle tutorial8. Here is the star !






star in a crochet circle tutorial9. Here you have 2 choices : chain 3 (easier) or make a standing triple crochet (neater).There is a very good tutorial for the standing double crochet on Mooglyblog, just add another wrap around the hook, if you choose this technique, crochet it in the back loop (as we are going to do for all other stitches)




star in a crochet circle tutorial10. In back loops only (it will be a little bit hard to find the back loop on the right sides as they are made with chains, but your star will be much neater than if you crochet in both loops) : dc, hdc, sc





star in a crochet circle tutorial11. (on the other side of the branch) another sc, hdc, dc, tc






star in a crochet circle tutorial12… dc, hdc, sc… and continue all around !






star in a crochet circle tutorial13. Here again, you have two choices : you can close your circle with a slip stich or make a seamless finishing (here is another video tutorial by moogly)





star in a crochet circle tutorial14. And here is a star in a circle ! (35 stitches)






star in a crochet circle tutorial15. Now it’s easier. You still have a choice : chain 2 or make a standing half double crochet






star in a crochet circle tutorial16. 5hdc, inc, (6hdc, inc) x4 (40 stiches)






star in a crochet circle tutorial17. Sl st or seamless finishing (see 13).






star in a crochet circle tutorial18. Here is a star in a bigger circle !






star in a crochet circle tutorial19.Ch 2 or make a standing half double-crochet






star in a crochet circle tutorial20. 2hdc, inc, (3hdc,inc) x9 (50 stiches)






star in a crochet circle tutorial21. Aaaand a star in a bigger bigger circle.






star in a crochet circle tutorial22. Ch 2 or make a standing half double crochet






star in a crochet circle tutorial23. 3hdc, inc (4hdc,inc) x9 (60 stiches)






star in a crochet circle tutorial24. And here is your captain America shield :) 






What would you do with this pattern? Captain America coasters too?

88 Responses to How to : make a star fit into a circle – crochet tutorial with captain america

  1. Thank you SO much for this! I had the “want” to create a Captain America hat inspired by his shield but had no idea how to go about doing the star in the center. You, my friend, are a Godsend!

  2. Thank you so much! My mom and I are making a Captain America set for a Christmas gift this year – and I was agonizing about making a shield for the hat and scarf! IT’s harder than I thought it would be! This tutorial is perfect! Can’t wait to get started!

  3. Thank you for posting this. I found this very helpful when I made a hat for my daughter. I was have trouble working the circle around the star. Hat turned out great. Thanks again

  4. I want to try to use your pattern to make a small (baby-sized) blanket. Any advice on how to increase the size drastically?

    • To be honest, I’m not sure that’s even possible as the star is made with double, treble (triple) and double treble crochet. If you increase the size, that will also increase the “holes” made by those stitches.
      But please tell me if you figure out a way to do it, I’m curious !

  5. Thank you so much. you saved my day. I a crocheteer beginner and my son would like a scarf with captain america shield. I didn’t know how to do it until i found your website :D

    et la cerise sur le gateau? je peux avoir les explications en francais, détail non negligeable pour moi dont l’anglais n’est pas la langue maternelle…ah je vous aime :D

    Encore mille merci pour ce fabuleux partage. Je m’en vais de ce pas m’abonner a la newsletter et partager votre page aupres de mes copines crocheteuses :D

  6. I have been looking for the perfect newborn beanie pattern (to put in gift baskets for our Marine’s with new babies) with no luck. Then I saw this post and it inspired me to make cute little beanies with the star on top. Thank you so much! (I would post a picture, but I’m not sure if or how to do so)

  7. Thank you so much for this pattern. I’m making a Captain America hat for my friends son who was just diagnosed with brain cancer. This has helped me out a lot.

    • Ow poor little one ! I’m glad this tutorial could help a little bit and hope Captain America will help his kid through this ordeal.

  8. Thank you so much. I’ve been trying to make a star in a circle for a floor pouf but nothing worked till I found your site. Now it’s perfect!!!! Merci merci

  9. Awesome! Thanks for sharing! My husband wants some manly coasters for his mancave. These will be perfect!

  10. This is genius! Thanks so much for sharing this! I’ve been planning and thinking and putting off for so long, now. You just saved me so much aggravation and hair pulling! I’ll definitely be using this in my hat patterns.

  11. I love it! I have a grandson who is a Captain America lover and would love to make these into granny squares to make a blanket. I am new at crochet, so excuse me if this sounds like a dumb question, but is there a way to take this circle and crochet a square border so they can be sewn together for a blanket?

    • Yes, I guess so, but that would require some testing. I would divide the number of stitches by 4 and make 3 stitches in each corners but as I said, that should be tested and adapted :)

  12. I cannot thank you enough for this! I’m making a pair of Capt inspired fingerless mits and the pair I’m basing them off of doesn’t have a pattern. I’d managed to figure most of it out, but as I just learned crochet today, I had no idea how to go about the shield. Thank you so much, I can guarantee I will be coming back time and again to use this!

  13. Hi is there any way of saving this pattern? I made the shield and it is a great pattern. I want to make gloves with the shield pattern and want to be able to access for help. Thanks

    • Hi Daryl !
      I’m sorry my free patterns are only accessible online and don’t exist in pdf.
      However they’ll always stay available and free !

  14. I am so glad Pinterest led me to your wonderful tutorial! My boyfriend is an avid Captain America fan, and I intend on turning these into squares to make an afghan for him for Christmas… Better start now!

  15. please im 75 and my hands don’t work well any more could you be so kind and make me one I will be so appreciate it and of course I will send you any money you want for doing this my 2 great grand sons would love this so much mailing cost to… you can get me on and thank you if you cant that would be fine to crossing my fingers

    • Hi Nancy, I’m really really sorry but I don’t sell finished object as I really don’t have time to take care of this !
      I hope you’ll find someone to make one for your great grand sons.
      Have a nice day !

  16. Thank you so much for coming up with this tutorial! My friend is a Captain America fan and I’m thinking of giving this to her for her birthday along with other Cap stuff :) I just hope it won’t be too hard because I’m using mercerized cotton thread :/

  17. Hi thank you so much for your post, i am ready to abondon my son’s idea/wish for a blanket! I made a slightly bigger star. I started with 15 dc and now have 50 stitches after filling the gaps. How should I adjust the increase? I tried increasing every 5 stitches, but my star does not look round now? It seems I must have been a useless maths teacher as I can not figure this out! I will appreciate your help!

    • Hi Zelda, I’ve just ran into your comment as someone else commented on the post, I’m really sorry I missed it ! Did you figure that out?

  18. I used your Captain America star pattern to make a beanie hat for my son. Thank you! I will eventually make the coasters!

      • I will. He loved it, but suggested that I do 3-4 red rows, then white, and then red again to make it look more like the shield. I originally switched between red an white every 2 rows.

        • I agree with him :) I couldn’t make more rows because it would have been too big for a coaster but he’s definitely right ^^

  19. Thank you so much for the written instructions. I am making baby converse shoes and I needed to put the circle and star on the side of the shoe. Very helpful!

  20. My sister and her husband are team Captain America all the way (and me too). I will be making these as a gift for them. I know they will LOVE it. I can’t wait!
    Thanks for sharing this pattern! You are super talented. Keep up the great work!

  21. Amazing! Thanks so much. I’m a beginner so this helps a lot. I’m trying to make a beanie for a grown man and need help making the star larger. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.

  22. You are a genius !!.. Thank you so much for sharing !! I can’t wait to make hats for my son and his daughter

  23. Hi,

    Thanks so much for this pattern! I’m only done with the star and blue parts but optimistic this will work perfect for slippers I’d like to make for my 5 year-old grandson.

    I’m curious what weight is the yarn that you’re using here? I’m using yarn that is “medium” or “4”. I’m not sure if this type of reference for yarn weights is unique to the US, so if this question makes no sense, I totally understand.

    Anyway, again, thanks for the thorough instructions–especially with the references to sites, for example for the standing triple crochet.


    • Hi Anni ! I’m sure this will work perfectly with slippers ! I’d love to see the final result.
      I’m really sorry but as this tutorial is quite old now, I don’t remember the yarn I used and failed to write it down somewhere !
      Thank you for your nice comment, and happy crocheting :)

  24. Awesomesauce! Like everyone else, I was looking for Cap’n America help. Ahooka, you are our super hero, 3 1/2 years and still going. I’m going to follow your instructions for the star in circle and then try to put it into a square for use in a blanket. THANK YOU and happy new year!


  25. I’m so GLAD I found this pattern! My youngest grandson just “ordered” a Captain America hat for Christmas…BTW, TODAY Stan Lee passed away. He will be missed! What a personality.

    • Hey, I’m super glad you find your way here ! I’m sure you’ll make one super happy grandson ^^ And yes, RIP Stan Lee… I feel like a Marvel movie without him making an easter eggs won’t be the same.

  26. Thank you SO MUCH for your tutorial!! I’m making American football coasters for the Dallas Cowboys and had no idea where to start! And you not only solved the problem but gave the WHOLE pattern *squee* super excited to start making these for my whole office staff.

  27. Thanks so much for sharing! I wanted to make these as appliques for a coffee sleeve. Do you know the approximate finished dimensions of these? Thanks!!

  28. I am struggling on the stitches around, I’m only getting 32 stitches not 35. I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

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