A while ago, I showed you on facebook a little unicorn in cross stitch I had made (very cute, but a little bit rude :p) using a pattern from Smallstitchshop. I loved it so much that I decided to bring it to “life” a little bit more by making an amigurumi based on it.
Meet Tinycorn !
Thank you! I just made this unicorn but in yellow and instead of gold thread I gave him bright pink feet and a yellow horn (because I didn’t have any white or gold in the house and wanted to get started right away! Also I sewed eyes on with thread rather than using glass ones. He’s very cute and so quick and easy with this great pattern! Thank you so much for sharing!
You’re welcome ! I’d be glad to see your lil’unicorn, plus I’ll soon make a gallery with all of them, so if you’d like, you can send me a picture to ahooka[at]ahookamigurumi.com (you just need to replace [at] by @ ).
Thanks for your nice comment and welcome here !
Sent! I hope you get it soon!
Nice ! Thank you for the pic ! The gallery should be up soon :)
See you !
Thank you very mucu for very cute lil’ unicorn pattern i love its !!!
You’re welcome ! :)
Thank you for the pattern very cute x
My pleasure ! :)
[…] dare to start a project. Until about three days ago. I found the pattern for a super cute unicorn. I thought it would be a nice little project to start with. I could not be more wrong. The body and […]
Hi! i recently made this adorable unicorn using Rainbow Loom bands. A lot of kids liked it and are asking for the pattern. I lead them to this page, but i had to tweak some parts (like lessen rows and stitches) to make it more proportioned to the bigger stitches that the bands make. Is it okay to share the edited pattern to others but give full credit to you? Many thanks!
Of course ! :) And I’d be glad to see how it turns out with Rainbow Loom bands if you have a picture to share ! I know nothing about that technique ! See you :)
Sent you photos! :)
Hi Loomy Mommy!
Wow, I wonder how Making with loom bands would turn out, did it come out super large compared to ahooka’s version? Please would you be able to send me your tweaked loom band pattern of this? I really would love to try it out and I would be so greatful if you could share this with me!! Hope to hear from you soon, Thank you!
Hi there, I actually made a tutorial on how to convert crochet stitches into loom band stitches. We loomers have coined it “Loomigurumi” rather than “Amigurumi” it’s become quite popular within our little community, I’d be happy to share the url for the youtube video if Ahooka is interested
Of course ! Please do :)
The video on my youtube is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a08icJ_p6Q i’ve called it Rainbow Loom – Loomigurumi – Beginners Guide to Amigurumi Crochet with Loom Bands – There’s a few of us that had started to use crochet stitches in our designs and then we were seeing full on Teddy Bears and the like, so it seemed like something fun to learn. I had to teach myself to crochet with bands as i’m not one that can even crochet with yarn hah to please excuse my glaring mistakes in terminology etc. It’s been very fun to see people take what little they’ve learned from my channel and start following crochet patterns on their own, a whole new cross-over for the hobby :)
That’s awesome !! I no nothing about rainbow looms (except the very basic bracelet that everybody knows) and I wouldn’t have imagine that it was so similar to crochet !
I’ve certainly found it an eyeopener as someone who couldn’t crochet to save her life and now people are making my loomigurumi designs in yarn, it blows my mind :)
Wait are you the Kate Shcultz if you are that’s amazing I have probably made 30 of your whales
I can’t wait to hear from you regarding your loom band pattern lol
Hi !
I don’t know if Loomy Mommy will see this comment, but maybe can you contact her on her instagram : http://instagram.com/loomymommyandme
This tiny unicorn is SUPER cute – but the cross stitch made me laugh out loud. Awesome. :)
Isn’t it? :D That cross stitch is the reason why Tinycorn exists !! When I saw the pattern on Etsy, I just HAD to make it :D
Really want to make this for my little girls but I’m not sure about the head…does that start in a magic ring too??
Hi !
No, the head is quite rectangle so you have to start with a chain 6 and crochet around it,as you would do to make an oval.
Thanks :-) I’m making a pink toned unicorn for my 3yo (everything is pink at the moment!).
Please send a picture ! I love it to see all your unicorns ! :)
I’m so glad Katie asked about the magic circle. I had just started this when I read your response. I was only on row 7. I’ll start over. Lol.
I’ve just acquired a new camera, and I’ll be able to make small videos, I think that will help :)
What a cutie! After I finish what I am doing now, I will do this.
Yay ! A world full of tiny unicorns :D
This unicorn is adorable! I’m stuck on row 1 what does on the other side mean?
This unicorn is adorable! I’m stuck on row 1 what does on the other side mean? Neveremind, I learned something
New! Can’t wait to get going!
You did figure it out, right? :) Please send a picture of your unicorn when you’ll finish it, I love to see all those unicorns you guys make :)
I want to say thank you so much for this wondweful design..I love it..one of the prettiest on net! your work is so good :)
Ow !! Thank you !! That really makes me happy :)
I love this lil unicorn. So cute. I am making one for a lil baby girl. White fushia and purple. So cute!!!!
Thank you ! :) Please send me a picture too ! I’d be glad to see it :)
Okay, so you’ve gotten a lot of questions on row 1 but I’m totally stuck on it >.< and your patterns are written a little different than I'm used to does the 3 in back mean 3 in on stitch or 3 in a row? Thanks!
I’m totally going to make a picture for that row 1 :D
If I give you the stitches one by one it will be like :
R1 : ch 6, sc in the second ch form hook, sc, sc, sc, sc3 in the last ch , on the other side of the chain : sc, sc, sc, inc (12)
Does it make more sense to you?
So much! Thanks!
You’re welcome ! :)
Holy moly this comment saved me today! I second Urbsie in that this pattern is written a little different from what I am used to. A friend of mine loves unicorns and just had a little girl so I was dying to make this unicorn for her! Thanks so much!
[…] Pattern […]
Thank you so much for creating this gorgeous pattern! Yesterday I was asked if I could crochet a unicorn. Having never tried before, I searched for a pattern, found yours and immediately set about making it. I used green for the body and purple for the horn, mane, tail and feet. I also crocheted blue eyes for it. When I completed it today I shared a picture of it (and a link to this page) on Google+, as I do with most things I make. My picture has received more +1’s than anything else I’ve made and I’ve even had offers to buy my tiny unicorn! I really didn’t think I’d done a very good job of it and my photography isn’t great, so I was very surprised and pleased with the reaction it got :)
You’re welcome !!
I’m glad your unicorn was such a hit ! :) Feel free to sell it if you’d like ! I’m only the owner of the pattern, not of the time to make it :)
Btw, I would love to see your unicorn ! :)
Thanks for your permission :) I’m amazed at the response my unicorn has received! The +1’s keep coming in – currently at 148, prior to this the most I’d received was 47. I’ll email you the photo I shared, please excuse my poor photography!
She’s so cute :) And you’re right for the horn, it’s the most difficult part to make as it is so tiny !
Thank you so much for this pattern. My son has been asking for “just one unicorn” and he couldn’t pick one color so I used rainbow variegated. I emailed you a picture as we’ll :)
You’re welcome !! :) I love your unicorn! This yarn was made for that project !! I hope your son is happy with his cute little unicorn !! :)
thank you very much for sharing your pattern for this super cute tiny unicorn.. as soon as i saw it on pinterest.. i decided to make it right away.. the color of my tiny unicorn is milk white and the feet horn and the hair are gold.. i finished one but i want to make 2 more.. again thank you so much looking forward to your next free pattern of cute amigurumi… <3
You’re welcome ! I’d be glad to see your tiny unicorn and share it in my facebook gallery “made by you” ! If you’d like you can send me a picture to ahooka[at]ahookamigurumi.com !
See you :)
[…] imagine a few of these hanging around a babies nursery or flying through the air. You can get the full free crochet pattern here and remember when anyone asks Unicorns are real […]
I cannot seem to get the E-Book fromAhookamigurumi.com/en/tiny-rainbow-unicorncrochet-amigurumi-free-pattern-eng/#comments
Hi Cindy, You are well subscribed which means you did receive the confirmation email properly, the link to the ebook is in it :) Feel free to ask if you have any other issue !
No,I did not! I do not mean to be disrespectable but could you please send it again with the data I used to send it to you.Please,I am stressing out because I can’t seem to get the steps right.Could you send me step by step on how to get the Ebook quickly!Thanks very much! I appreciate it very much!I am not very intelligent about using a laptop computer.Sorry to bother you again!
Hi Cindy, no worries you don’t bother me :) I will send you the ebook manually ! :)
Thanks for the pattern. I recently made this cute unicorn. This is my first amigurumi what I did. I love it! :)
You’re welcome ! I’m glad you love it :) Share a picture on my facebook page if you’d like ! I’ll include it to the “made by you” gallery :)
This Tiny Unicorn is adorable and had been easy to make so far. Was wondering though how to make him bigger. Would love to do 2-3 sizes bigger so they all sit together. Can you help. Thanks.
Making it bigger with the same yarn would mean re-designing the entire pattern, which I don’t have time to do, but an easy way to do it would be to use a bigger hook (and appropriate yarn) for each unicorn you want to make !
Is that the way you made the tiny and mini versions?
Thanks for a beautiful pattern ;D
I’m going to make this for my D&D buddy who absolutely adores unicorns! And maybe one for myself. And maybe a goth version for my other D&D buddy… and maybe one for each of the boys in our group because they love cute things too. I just want an excuse to make a whole herd of adorable unicorns.
Ahah !Neeeed to see all of these :D Especially the goth version :p
[…] What a cute little Pegasus! (And if you’d rather have a unicorn, there’s a link for that, […]
I cannot for the life of me figure out the first round. It seems so simple but I can’t figure out where the sc3 is supposed to go. I’m by no means advanced, but I usually pick things up fairly quickly. Is there any way you could go into greater detail or even do a short video tutorial?
Hi :) I’m not equipped to make videos but here is what I’ve answered into a previous comment :
the head is quite rectangle so you have to start with a chain 6 and crochet around it, as you would do to make an oval. If I give you the stitches one by one it will be like :
R1 : ch 6, sc in the second ch form hook, sc, sc, sc, sc3 in the last stitch of the chain , and on the other side of the chain : sc, sc, sc, inc (12)
Does it make more sense to you?
I GOT IT!!!!!
Cool :) Have fun now ^^
[…] Get the pattern for this beauty here. […]
[…] Description: You can never have enough unicorns, here’s one in a tiny format. Cute amigurumi unicorn pattern. Site: http://www.ahookamigurumi.com Language: English Pattern: view/download […]
[…] meines Dawanda-Shops “Zum tanzenden Einhorn” bin ich auf eine freie Häkelanleitung von Ahooka gestoßen, die ich euch heute gerne ans Herz legen möchte. Sie ist zwar auf Englisch, aber wenn […]
Okay I don’t get it. Round 1 – 6 from the head is really easily to follow. But my problems begin with round 7. I’ve crocheted it several times again, hoping it was only a mistake in 1 – 6 made by me. But no… when I started at round 7 the head began to loose his form. So I really don’t get it. Why inc*8, sc10 (26)? It really makes no sense to me since the head is getting out of its form at this time. Am I really that bad at understanding your pattern? Or is there actually a mistake?
Got it!
It was my mistake. :) Don’t know why but I counted every try wrong.
:) Happy you figured it out ! Enjoy your unicorn ^^
This is so cute! Thank you so much for the pattern. I’m gonna make this for my friend’s baby girl. I think she is gonna fall in love with it.
Best wishes from Mexico.
My pleasure ! I’m really happy to know that these little unicorns get so international ^^ Best wishes from France :)
Thank you very very much for sharing this pattern. Totally adorable and my little girl loved it so much!
You’re welcome !! I’m glad to read they loved it :)
Is there a video tutorial on how to do this because I don’t understand how to make this :( but I really want to!!! I’m 17 years old and it’s hard lol
Hi ! I’m sorry I’m not equipped to make videos :) I understand this maybe a little bit to difficult for a beginner but I’m sure you’ll soon be able to do it !! :) See you !
I love your pattern and I think it’s so cute however, I am 12 so like most other 12 year old girls I am obsessed with the rainbow loom and loomigurumi which is a rubber form of crochet. So I made your pattern using rainbow loom bands and it turned out amazing I was wondering if you would let me share how to make it on youtube?
Thank You
Hi Karin, yes, no problem at all as long as you refer to this pattern in you video :)
Have a nice day !
Is it ok for Karin to share her video? :) I am SUCH a begginer!
So cute! I made one with all-white feet, a brown horn, and an all-orange mane for a friend who prefers the “right” kind of unicorn (the non-sparkly-and-rainbow kind) and loves orange. It’s for her 18th birthday. I think she’s really dreading becoming an adult with responsibilities, so I’m hoping this makes it a little better for her. Plus, I’m totally going to make one for myself with a rainbow mane. :)
I’d love to see a real unicorn to see what the “right kind” looks like :D In the meantime, let it be whatever we love ^^ I’d love to see your unicorns if you’d like to send a picture or to post it on my facebook wall :)
See you !
This such a good pattern! Easy to follow and the unicorn turns out beautifully!!!
Thank you very much !! I’m glad you like it :)
So, so cute !!!!!
Thank you Anna :)
I an trying to get your free e-book for the Tiny Unicorn and others but seem unable to access this. Have entered my name and e-mail. thanks
Hi Patricia, did you check your inbox and maybe your spam box? Here are the steps you should have went through to get it : http://www.ahookamigurumi.com/en/almost-there/
I hope that helps !
I’ve ordernd the free e-Book and got the Mail, but If i I Open the Link I just get to this page. I think the page wasn’t found. Do you have any Idea what I Could try? I tried both Links and Nothing happened.
Hi Rachel, thank you for your feedback ! I’ve made some updates this morning and unintendedly changed the link url. Sorry about that ! the link should work again now ! Happy holidays :)
Hier ahooka

Trank you! It works now. This Little Unicorn is sooooooo cute! Love your patterns
Nice ! Thank you and happy crocheting :)
I’ve never made any amurumi before but the tinycorn definitely makes me want to try! So cute!
Thank you Faith ! Several girls made it as their first amigurumi ! I think the only difficulty might be the horn. I’d be glad to see a picture if you give it a go ! :) Happy new year to you !
can’t wait to try some of your patterns!
would like your free patterns
Hi Barb, you just have to enter your email address in the box below the article and the eBook will be sent to you.
Hi there, can you please tell me what size the unicorn is please thanks
Hi Krystle, it’s approximately 8 cm high (3.1 inches) with a 2.5mm hook (C)
Abrazos desde Venezuela!! Son tiernas y hermosas tus labores a ganchillo!! ^.^ Felicitaciones y muchos éxitos! <3 ^.^
Gracias Gina :)
Adorable unicorn. Wondering if the ebook and patterns are still available ? my daughter would love to have a try at making one. Thank you for sharing your talent :D
Yes they are Joan :) You just have to enter your email address in the box below the article, and it will be sent to you by email right away, with 7 other free patterns :)
I so want to try to make this! I’m also very happy to have found your site! Thank you for all the wonderful patterns you have made free for all of us. God bless you!
My pleasure Judy, thank you very much :)
Hi Ophelie, thank you so much for this pattern!
I made two unicorns and one horse so far, and posted about it on my blog today: http://www.mammabook.net/2016/04/crocheted-unicors.html – of course, I linked your blog.
Sorry, wrong link (I lost a N and the way…): http://www.mammabook.net/2016/04/crocheted-unicorns.html
Yay ! I love them ! I’ll share a picture on Facebook with a link to your article :)
Thanks so much for all of your free patterns. They are so cute. I just made the Tinycorn but in a larger size. And thanks for the the info tutorial from Planet June. Very helpful as I’m new to Amigurumi. Your pattern was easy to follow though. Great instructions. I hope to make most of the items in your e-book.
Hi Joan ! Thank you ! That means the world to me ! I’m so happy that you like them and that you were able to make one while new to amigurumi ! See you soon :)
This is SOOOO cute! It was tricky to find the right yarns down here in New Zealand, but I managed with gold cross stitch thread for the horn and feet. Thank you for the gorgeous pattern. There are some pictures on my blog http://craftymumnz.blogspot.co.nz/2016/05/tinycorn.html
Great job ! Thank you for the link and the pictures I’ll add them on Facebook soon :)
Merci pour le partage !!!
C’est superbe !
Avec plaisir ! Merci !
Hi! I love this little pattern thank you so much! If possible could you please share how you acquired the Phil coton 3 yarn? I’ve been having a heck of a time tracking down the lovely bright colors used for the main. This Yarnpolloza website has all the colors but unfortunately does not ship to USA. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you :)
I just wanted to add it would help me so much if you could provide the name of the different rainbow yarns you used because the different websites are showing a slight variation between the colors and I’m not sure which ones are the bright vibrant colors like what you used. Thank you so much for all that you do!
Unfortunately, I live in France and Phil coton 3 is a French brand so it was very easy to get from here. Here is a website I found that delivers everywhere, however it’s a bit on the expensive side : http://www.loveknitting.com/phildar-phil-coton-3
The colors I used are oeillet (pink), violet (purple), turquoise (blue), pistache (green), citron (yellow), vitamine (orange) and rouge (red)
I hope that helps !
Thank you so much!!! Yes I found LoveKnitting and now I know the colors! Thank you so much! I would love to post a photo of my unicorn once I’m finished. I love your ebook and can’t wait to make every little darling thing in there. Thanks again :)
My pleasure :) I’ll wait for the pictures then ;)
Why can’t I get the free ebook? If there is something I am doing wrong please e-mail be back.
Hi Maryanne, I’ve just sent you back a new confirmation email, you should be able to access the eBook again !
I keep getting an error message when I try to sign up for the book. Any help is appreciated! :)
Hi Nicole I currently experience some issues with my website (it has been attacked so I had to double protect it which leads to that password). I’m working on it and everything should be back to normal tomorrow. Please let me know if you still experience problems tomorrow. Sorry about that!
I got it to work! Thanks for the quick response!!! :)
Thankyou so much for the pattern. Your unicorns are so cute !
I made some little horses.
Cool ! My pleasure :) Feel free to send some picture if you’d like :)
Hi there,
I’m hsving trouble downloading your ebook. I put my email address in the box but nothing arrives. Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks, Jooles
Hi Jooles,
As you’re on gmail, have you checked your “promotion” tab? If it is there, don’t forget to drag and drop it to your primary tab :) Let me know if it wasn’t !
I have received your newsletter and did download your ebook. I do not have it now and want to make the unicorn for my granddaughter’s unicorn party, but cannot unsubscribe so I can start the download again. Thank you for any help in this matter.
Hi Ellen, I just unsub you and re-ask for the ebook, you’ll just have to confirm it in your inbox !
Happy crocheting !
The mail doesn’t comes to My mailbox.. :(?
I round it
I found it
Hi, so glad I found this pattern! Is it written in UK crochet terms?
No (sorry I didn’t see your comment earlier) it is written in US terms :)
Thank you very much, greetings from Polish
My pleasure Elka :)
Would love to make unicorn but was unable to get the pattern. I was hoping to could help me please. Thanks
Hi Janet, it seems that’s because you already received it one year ago, if you can’t find the email or ebook again, you can unsubscribe from the newsletter, and re-sub just after, you’ll get it back :)
How do I get the pattern? Can’t see it, can anyone help me? I’ve already subscribe.
Hi Mona, the pattern has been sent to you when you first subscribed !
Love your patterns!
Thank you so much Pamela :)
Thank you so much.
My pleasure ! :)
Thank you for sharing!
It was the most beautiful unicorn I ever found!
I’m finishing one to give as a gift to my cousin’s daughter!
I’m from Brazil and would like to know if I can sell the unicorn,
or the others cute amigurumi, made with your pattern.
Thank you!
Hi Thaise, I’m sorry for the late reply !
Thank you very much, and yes, you are more than welcome to sell your unicorns and other amigurumis if you’d like !
See you soon !
Hi I’ve tried signing up to get the unicorn pattern but I still haven’t received any emails including in my Spam. Do you have a link or can you please check if you’ve sent me anything? Thank you so much. The unicorn is adorable and I can’t wait to try it!
Hi Amanda, thank you and sorry for the late reply. I found your email adress in the sent list, did you get the pattern yet? Please let me know if you still have an issue with this !
I’m having this problem too ?.
i did not get my unicorn pattern
Hi Sheila, I just sent you the email to get it, please click on the button in it to get your free ebook (this is totally free)
Hi, I already subscribe to your mailing list. I changed phones and no longer have your shook with this pattern. Is there any way I could get another copy? Thanks
Hi Tiffany, I’m on it and going to send it back to you by email ! See you soon :)
I never got my unicorn pattern
Hi there, I’ve just send it back to you ! :)
Thank you , I got it , thanks again :) :)
My pleasure ! Happy crocheting !
Hello there.
I’m having the same problem with the confirmation email as the people who commented before me. I didn’t get the email at all. Could you please try and send me the pattern? I loved it, btw. Thanks for sharing.
Hi there, I’ve just sent it back to you :) Please tell me if you still have an issue with it !
Have a nice day !
Bonsoir, merci pour ce partage. La mini licorne est adorable. Bonne soirée
Avec plaisir Babou :)
I didn’t receive the pattern.
I’ve just sent you the confirmation email back, please check your spambox and let me know if you still have any issue ! See you :)
Thank you very much for the unicorn pattern.
My pleasure Gam ! Happy crocheting :)
I am new to making amigurumi and am looking forward to making this unicorn. Thank you for the opportunity.
My pleasure Janet ! :)
Im longing to get this unicorn crochet pattern, but the confirmation email has not arrived. Not even in spam. Please can you help
Hi Mandy, I see that you are subscribed now so I guess you managed to get your pattern? Have a nice day ! :)
I’ve tried signing up but it’s been nearly 4 hours and I haven’t received a confirmation email ?. I’m totally in love with this little cutie I’d love to make it for my daughter.
Hi Toni, I see that you are subscribed now so I guess you managed to get your pattern? Have a nice day ! :)
Hi!Good Day!I love your Tiny unicorn amigurumi and I already give my email address and follow the instruction on how to get the pattern. I made it twice…but still I did not get an email from you. Please help me..I’m so badly inlove with your tiny unicon..hehheh… I’ve been wanted it so long..
Please help me….
Thank you.
Hi Angelie, I’ve just answered your email :)
Hi there! I have been trying to download your Tiny Unicorn pattern but have been having zero success. I tried downloading your book as well and again I am getting nothing. I am hoping you can help me out. Thank you.
Hi Janet, I can see that you subscribed well on March,5, to do so you had to click on a confirmation button in an email I sent you, you can access your ebook (which includes tinycorn’s pattern) from there. You may need to wait a few minutes, depending on your internet connection speed, for it to appear properly. I hope that will help, let me know if it doesn’t of if you have any other issue ! Have a good day !
Hi again. I have checked my email account and still have not received your email. There is nothing in my junk mail either. I am not sure why I am not receiving it. I am planning on making those sweet little Unicorns for the Sick Kids Hospital, because what is better than a Tiny Unicorn to bring a little one some love and laughter. I went to your Facebook page and wondered if I messaged you if that would work. Thanks for any help. Looking forward to hearing from you.
I just answered your email ! Have a nice day :)
I just downloaded ur free ebook and i am really impressed. Thank u so much for giving it for free!!!! <3
My pleasure Diane ! Happy crocheting :)
Hi i have previously downloaded yoir ebook and made the unicorn. However i have manages to lose the pattern. I have read your commenta about un and then re subscribing but I don’t know how please can you help?
hi! please tell me, where can i find the pattern?? thank you in advance!
I don’t think you can find it, I at least cannot find it. THey did n’t send the email to my box as they were suppose to do.
Hi Kathy, I happen to have lost 6 month of content on my blog at the beginning of October, so I’ve lost all the comments too, but I replied to these people and gave them their eBook ! :)
This site does not send the email as it is suppose to do.
Hi Kathy, dozens of people receive my eBook every week, I don’t know what happened with yours but maybe we can figure it out together?
Tried to request your book including the tiny unicorn…..to no avail. Have checked both inbox and junk mail and nothing. I would like to make this for my great niece and am not at home. Her birthday is the 3rd of January and would like to get started on it as soon as possible. By the way, I have already made 1 and am really pleased with it. Thank you for your immediate attention in this matter.
Hi Esther, I’m sorry I was away for the Holidays, you couldn’t received the ebook because you’re already a subscriber to the newsletter ! I’ll send it to you right away even though it might be to late already ! Have a great day !
Hola.. muchas gracias por compartir tus patrones.. los acabo de ver y me encantaron.. quiero empezar a tejerlos ya… cuando los haga te mando fotos..
Yes Laura please do ! I always enjoy seing pictures ! :)
Please send me your ebook with the tiny unicorn pattern. I’m trying to subscribe but the email isn’t arriving.
Hi there :) Could you please check your spams, the confirmation email was sent on March, 24 11:17 am CET
Thank you for the e-book they patterns are vert cute
My pleasure Marelva :) Happy crocheting !
I did not receive my E- book. i want to make the unicorn.
Hi Joyce, I’ve just sent you a new confirmaton email, please click in it to receive your free ebook :)
J’ai essaye de telecharger le E Book mais ………….=0
Pouvez vous m’aider ? L’ordi n’est pas mon truc !!!Je préfère le crochet ……..!!
Merci ++++ d ‘avance
si vous pouviez m’envoyer le tuto de la licorne par écrit
je vous en remerci par avance ce serait formidable si j obtenais une réponse a ce mail encore une fois merci
I’ve tried to get your ebook so I can make this. But nothing is coming through ?
Can you maybe email it to me??
Laura ☆ http://www.laurahasablog.co.uk
I didn’t receive any email, not even in my spam folder?
I have tried three times now to get the pattern for the unicorn. It still has not shown up in my email :(
Hi Rosemarie, I’ve just sent you a new confirmation email ! Please tell me if you don’t receive it either !
very cute!
Love this unicorn! How can I get a copy of the pattern?
The ebook that conatins the pattn for this little unicorn is not available, that’s so sad!
I’m improvising a hippocamp using this pattern as a starting point, I’m starting with the front of the body and working towards the tail, I’d be happy to show you the final results.
I have tried several times to subscribe, but I’ve not received an email even to my junk mail. Can you send this to me?
Hi… I am glad to see your tiny unicorn pattern… Thank you so much
Je le trouve très mignon. Je suis une grand’ maman et j’ai hâte de le faire pour mon arrière petite fille. Merci
I would like the pattern for the tiny unicorn. I can’t find it anywhere. Please help
i had this pattern, then it was lost due to storms.. am so disappointed that i cannot just download it again
Your email thing isn’t working for me. I am interested in the Tiny Unicorn pattern.
Thank you do much. Granddaughter asking for a pocket unicorn.
Still haven’t received free ebook with unicorn pattern.
I’ve been trying to download the ebook but the confirmation email never arrives
I did not receive the free ebook and I tried twice ??
For some reason I have not received an email for the ebook. I have tried several times ??
The free ebook download is not sending me a link. I’ve tried a couple of times and have also checked my spam folder.?
I’m also not getting any emails, even after trying 3 different email addresses and checking all spam folders. Really disappointing since I wanted to make a tinycorn for a friend’s daughter.
I can not get these patterns to send to me