Video tutorial : embroider French knots on Fun’Guy (or any other amigurumi)

The magic knot. Pure wizardry.

I mean, seriously? “Wrap the yarn around your needle 3 times” AND BOOM, you’ve got a knot.

Imagine trying that with a hammock? “Wrap the rope around the tree 3 times” AND BOOM, it holds! YEAH, RIGHT.

Or with shoelaces? My 2-year-old thinks that’s how it works, but strangely when he tries, IT JUST DOESN’T HOLD AT ALL, YOU KNOW?

And yet, with the magic knot, oh yes, it holds ALL BY ITSELF.

So, since I couldn’t prove it to you any other way than with a new little video. Here it is for you! (And I don’t want to spoil it, but if you stick around until the end, with the sound on… there’s plenty to laugh at me about… Still debating whether to click “publish” :D)

Done and dusted :D

As you saw at the end of the video (well, at the end of the tutorial, before everything went haywire), the pattern for Shroombear is coming very, very soon! I wrote this pattern with the idea of leaving nothing to chance, so that no questions are left hanging, so it can be done after work with the brain off, and everything flows smoothly! Hence this little video too, which will serve for the little stitches on its belly. Can’t wait to hear what you thought of it! :)

If you have any questions or suggestions (about the magic knot in particular, crochet in general, the Shroombear and Fun’guy’s pattern, the video quality, or ant reproduction in Alaska), feel free to leave me a little comment. I’ll answer everything, even if I’m certainly more qualified on some topics than others… :p

If you didn’t get the chance to download Fun’guy’s pattern for free, here it is :

See you very soon!”

Ophélie (*AhookA*)

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